Allergy Objective

The Allergy Objective is a project by Quack Aquatics, aimed at educating and empowering not just aquatic facilities, but any business in an anaphylactic high risk environment.

A high risk environment is anywhere that may promote situations that could cause an anaphylactic attack. Typically these environments are sporting facilities, restaurants, tourist parks, child care facilities, beaches etc.

1 in 5 Australians are affected by anaphylaxis

The Safe Work Australia Code of Practice states that workplaces must adequately consider their first aid needs. This includes whether or not first aid kits should include an epinephrine auto-injector for the treatment of anaphylaxis or severe allergies.

Anaphylaxis Triggers

Food Allergies


Cross Contamination


Anaphylaxis Response Module

Symptoms of Anaphylaxis

Hives & Rash

Swelling of eyes, tongue & airways

Difficulty Breathing


Anaphylaxis Training EpiPen

Epipen Training Device Epipen Training Device
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