Aquatic Facility First Aid & Rescue Equipment

Aquatic facilities depend on a multitude of equipment, but none nearly as much as the first aid, oxygen, resuscitation and rescue equipment. The risks and hazards at any aquatic facility are large, often commercial facilities will experience thousands of visits each week. Paired with the large volume of employees and hazards like plant room equipment and chemicals, it’s not uncommon to use a piece of first aid or rescue equipment every day.

Current Standards

During an emergency, time is the most important factor. in any instance, early intervention and early access increases the rate of emergency success. However early intervention and access is difficult if the right equipment is not available and accessible.

In most cases, a member of staff will have to visit at least 3 location to collect the necessary equipment in order to render assistance in an emergency. This looses valuable time, decreasing the success of emergency.

Once the equipment is collected, it’s unpredictable whether or not the correct equipment is available or in an operational condition.

  • Providing leading care requires the appropriate equipment. Facility operators should look into the equipment they have onsite and assess whether it meets the required needs of the facility.

    Equipment considerations could include:

    • Children Oxygen Equipment

    • Paediatric AED Pads

    • Epipens

    • Asthma Relieving Inhaler

  • Royal Life Saving Australia’s Guidelines to Safe Pool Operations (GSPO) recommends Oxygen Equipment should be checked prior to the facility operating each day.

    The GSPO recommends all first aid equipment is checked monthly.

    Quack Aquatics Recommends all Emergency and Rescue equipment is checked and document prior to the facility opening each day.

  • Regular equipment servicing ensures your equipment is under good operational condition for when its needed most.

    The GSPO recommends all oxygen equipment should be serviced and maintained at least annually.

    Quack Aquatics Recommends annual servicing on Defibrillators, Spinal Boards and Rescue Devices.

  • Decrease the time it takes for equipment to be gathered during an emergency.

    Most emergency equipment can be stored in a single solution, reducing time and distance.

    Quack Aquatics recommends where possible all emergency equipment is stored in a single location, preferably in the same kit.

    We offer storage solutions that condense multiple kits into one. Increasing accessibility and efficiency.

The Problem

During an emergency, time is the most important factor. in any instance, early intervention and early access increases the rate of emergency success. However early intervention and access is difficult if the right equipment is not available and accessible.

In most cases, a member of staff will have to visit at least 3 location to collect the necessary equipment in order to render assistance in an emergency. This looses valuable time, decreasing the success of emergency.

Once the equipment is collected, it’s unpredictable whether or not the correct equipment is available or in good condition to use.

The Solution

Quack Aquatics has been involved in multiple life threatening situations and have thought about the equipment and processes required to increase the success rate of these incidents.

Solution 1 - Equipment Checks

Royal Life Saving Australia’s Guidelines to Safe Pool Operations outlines in section ??.? that all rescue equipment should be checked prior to the facility operating each day.

Quack Aquatics will work with you and your team to create a concise checklist which is easy to complete and check historic data.

Solution 2 - Equipment Requirements

The GSPO and Safe Work Australia’s, First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice states that the equipment onsite is specific to the needs of the industry and individual workplace.

Quack Aquatics will assess your individual facilities risk and consult you and your team about the required contents at your facility. this includes first aid kits, products and modules, locations, signage and access.

our solutions

quack aquatics have worked hard to ensure aquatic facility operators are aware of their requirements. in an effort to raise industry standards and increase the ability to save lives.

We have a range of products specific that provides solutions to aquatic facilities.

We believe this is the new standard.

Aquatic Specific First Aid Kit

Resuscitation Response Oxygen Kit

Download this PDF on the requirements of first aid and rescue equipment in an aquatic facility


What oxygen equipment is required at an aquatic facility?